After their slow start this season, it looks like the Lady Cavs are well on their way to the playoffs. With a record of 7-2 in the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference, they are just seven games shy of reaching the playoffs. “We started off a little slow, now we are picking it up to get ready for three major games this month,” sophomore captain Jackie Yoder said.
This year, according to sophomore Jen Wessell, the team is ‘a very close knit team and their chemistry is great on and off the court.’ She also thinks the team is a lot more serious in practice.
In preparation for games, the team goes over the scouting report of the other team, run different plays, and have practice scrimmages. In between the busy schedule of practice as well as their school work, the girls find time to lift weights on an individual level. Being a young team, compiled mostly of sophomores, the coaching staff works closely with the players as well as with each other. “The coaching staff meshes well and compliments each other; that helps our team out a lot,” Yoder said.
Led by head coach Darlene Hilderband and assistant coaches Kate Corcoran and Steve Harrow, the Lady Cavs have the right attitude and seem like they are in good position to head to the playoffs. “We are jelling right now,” Corcoran said. “We are starting to hit our peak and this is the right time for it.” According to Corcoran, this team, which has no juniors or seniors on the team, has a disadvantage yet advantage that other teams don’t. For one, they lack the experience, which they are gaining now through playing their season, and they have no predetermined notions about the teams they are playing. “Having no history of the teams they are playing will work to our advantage,” Corcoran said.
This Saturday, the ladies will be faced with their biggest game of the season yet, when they take on Gwynedd Mercy. Gwynedd Mercy is currently first in the north PAC and Cabrini’s ladies are leading the south. The game is a double header, which starts at 1 p.m.
“Never settle,” Wessel said, reciting the team motto, which is printed on their T-shirts. With a tight team, tight coaching staff, and a tight motto, the team is looking forward to a tight season.
Posted to the web by: Cecelia Francisco