When asked what are the most important issues to them in this election, they responded:
Sarah Czarnomski (sophomore comm. major) – ” I am very pro-life so abortion is a very important issue for me. It is just something I believe is wrong.”
Nicholas Rayner (senior comm. major)- “I am for Obamacare and I believe everyone has a right to healthcare whether you can afford it or not.”
Amanda DiDomenico ( junior education major)- “Since I want to be a teacher, Education is the biggest issue I care about. Obama seems to be more willing to look out for teachers.”
Jennarose DiGiacomo ( sophomore comm. major)- “I am nervous that when I get out of college I am going to be knee deep in debt and not going to be able to pay back my student loans because I can’t find a job so I am worried about student loans and the economy.”
Dan Luner ( freshman)- ” The issue that means the most to me is marriage equality. You should be able to marry anyone you want!”