by Stephanie Masucci
managing editor
The life of an Oscar winning director can be tough. The affairs, the paychecks, the models and the actors. In British author Ben Elton’s play, “Popcorn,” we see the fame and misfortune that comes with being a big shot.
Bruce, played by senior Ben Lunn, is the James Cameron of the year. His controversial movie, “Ordinary Americans,” has just won him an Oscar and many critical reviews. His critics feel that his work is too violent and controversial.
Brooke, played by Senior Lisa Nicole Finegan, is a model, or as she likes to say “an actress,” who seduces Bruce to get what she wants: a part in his next movie. While engaged in the heat of the moment Brooke and Bruce are interrupted by an intruder who has broken into Bruce’s home to seek refuge.
Wayne and Scout, are the Mall Murderrers who have been shooting everyone and anyone that annoys them accordingly. Wayne, played by Junior Chris Swift, is a loud-mouthed tough guy with a southern accent. He has his views on life, but finds the need to kill those who don’t agree with him. Scout, played by junior Jessica Snow, is a sexy, naive killer who speaks her mind when the moment is right.
These four individuals find themselves in a situation that two of them don’t want to be in. Wayne thinks Bruce is the greatest director alive, while Scout finds Brooke’s modeling career to be divine. The Mall murderers pound their idols with questions while Brooke and Bruce try to stay calm in the eyes of the m45 and m16 carrying murderers.
Comic relief is insight for this intensely witty and clever play during the end of the first half. Senior Tony Barrett plays Karl, Bruce’s agent, a sideburned, tube-sock wearing ladies’ man.
“Popcorn” is a smart and entertaining way to pose the question how far does violence on TV affect its watchers.