I don’t know if anyone else has felt what I have in the last five weeks of being back at school. The air on Cabrini’s campus has changed, the feeling you get walking from class to class or sitting in the food court is different than what it use to be. There has always been that sense of “Cabrini” spirit, but now it is more of a “school” spirit and not just from the students.
After all the changes that happened from last year to this year, I was a little worried about what this year was going to be like, what new restrictions were going to be put on the entire campus. I feel less restricted than I did before and more welcomed at the school.
Take for example the Student Development Office. If you walked up there last year for anything, even a shuttle schedule, it was like walking into a place that seemed shut off to students. The door to the main part of the office was shut, as were the office doors. Walk up there now and go say “Hi” to Dr. Neville, his door is open, he will hear you. Sit down, make a new friend and no one is going to yell.
For any residents who stay here on the weekends and attend the campus-sponsored events, they should be noticing something. It’s not just students there anymore, and the administration overseeing the event isn’t sitting on the side somewhere reading a book. They are interacting, they are speaking to the students. They are making the students feel like people.