New cell phones create stiff competition for consumer’s attention

By Ashley Randazzo
September 22, 2006

Cell phones went from the “want” category to the “need” category over night, and for that reason companies are now in stiff competition to make real life at the customer’s fingertips by adding new features and physical characteristics to their phones.

Motorola is now taking their piece of the pie with their new smartphone, called the “Motorola Q.” It features a 1.3 mega pixel camera, a decent size touch screen display and their newest feature, 3D surround sound speakers. Those features are barely half of what the phone has to offer.

Caitlin Gillespie, a sophomore education major, loves the style of the phone and how it will fit into her purse with ease. “Not only is it easy to carry, it is also a palm pilot in the phone so I can keep track of all of my assignments without bringing too much stuff with me to class.”

Many students believe “the look is everything,” like Charles Bush, sophomore English and communication major. “It needs to look like a cool phone as well as be a functional one. I have the Sidekick II, and it is not only an awesome phone because of its features, but also because the look is really sleek with its flip-up screen,” Bush said.

For those looking for a new look, the Motorola PVOT phone is very appealing to the eye, according to Sophia Lawrence, freshmen liberal arts major. “It looks very interesting with the numbers on the outside of the phone and the side being its display.”

The PVOT was created for developing countries. Shaun Smith, a graduate of Cabrini, thinks this new type of phone is useful but is not needed. “This phone looks nice but it isn’t something I would carry. There is no camera or color screen display for a country like ours where those features have become essential,” Smith said.

To compete with a flourishing company like Motorola, Alloy Total Product Design has come up with their own version of a smartphone with dual screens. They call it “The Polygon.” According to this new phone is giving Motorola a run for their money. With the phone’s dual screens one for viewing data and the other touch screen, this phone will give any geek the love they are missing.

Justin Johnson, freshmen liberal arts major from St. Joe’s University, is excited to see such an interesting phone about to be unveiled on the market. “There is something about this phone that makes it really appealing. I’ve never seen anything like it and I am hoping a phone like this comes out soon enough for me to buy it,” Johnson said.

Although some may appreciate a nice looking phone with all the features they could ever want in such a gadget, that is always not the case for everyone. Sophomore graphic design major Andrew Smith doesn’t pay any attention to his cell phone when he takes it out of his pocket and reveals all the scratches and bruises. “I’ve dropped this phone so many times that it’s not even worth it for me to get a new one. I don’t even care just as long as the phone still works and I can make and receive calls.

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Ashley Randazzo

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