(March 21-April 20)
Sensuality and social flirtation are almost unavoidable over the next few days. After Monday, friends and lovers may provide unique insights into their hopes, dreams or long-term goals. Intimate relationships will soon deepen: remain open to romantic overtures and expect new friends to compete for your loyalty. Later this week, a business official may request help with an important project. Don’t hesitate to join in: sudden job openings will soon provide advancement.
(April 21-May 20)
This week, long-term relationships enter a brief but intense period of emotional negotiation. Key issues may involve social planning, family events or group celebrations. Let loved ones know your limits or expectations: your opinions, ideals and needs will be seriously considered. Thursday through Saturday highlight home budgets and long-term financial planning. Someone close may expect a review of new expenses. Go slow: large purchases may soon be necessary.
(May 21-June 21)
Before mid-week, friends or relatives may ask for a detailed explanation of recent group events. Competing social loyalties and long-term romantic commitments are highlighted. Loved ones may now feel mildly threatened by new friends, last minute cancellations or team activities. Offer reassurance and expect steady progress. Wednesday through Saturday, minor ailments of the jaw, throat or upper chest may be bothersome. Pamper the body: physical vitality may be low.
(June 22-July 22)
New romantic promises are now deeply felt and genuine. Over the next 14 days, expect loved ones to offer unique insights into their long-term hopes or family goals. Recent social delays or misunderstandings need to fade. All is well: use this time to foster intimacy, resolve unproductive feelings or build trust. Later this week, a postponed work assignment may reappear or demand completion. Take your time: key officials are now evaluating the skills and actions of employees.
(July 23-Aug. 22)
Over the next four days, older relatives or friends will provide seasoned romantic insights and valuable social guidance. Remain attentive to small comments, hints or suggestions. At present, ongoing relationship problems can be easily identified and resolved. After Thursday, yesterday’s business or financial mistakes may reappear. Close colleagues will deny involvement: stay focused and expect time sensitive documents to require major revisions or special permissions.
(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
After Monday, rare social triangles are unexpected and bothersome. Long-term friends may this week compete for attention or express unrealistic ideas. Over the next two weeks, a battle of wills may be difficult to avoid. Patience will prove vital: suggest creative activities or new forms of entertainment and all will be well. Thursday through Saturday, business relationships require diplomacy. New colleagues will eventually challenge authority: refuse act as mediator or advisor.
(Sept. 23-Oct. 23)
Home routines will this week demand careful planning. Before mid-week, friends or relatives may ask for special consideration concerning temporary work projects, career research or delicate business ventures. Provide support and watch for the return of established patterns: at present, serious family decisions and bold discussions are best avoided. Friday through Sunday also highlight unexpected social proposals. Accept all invitations: social boredom now needs to fade.
(Oct. 24-Nov. 22)
Romantic and social charisma is now strong. Over the next eight days, potential friends and new lovers will be attracted to your emotional style. Take all such attention as a compliment but avoid serious promises: before mid-May, lasting commitments will not be easily established. After Thursday, loved ones will require added sensitivity or privacy. Family members may now need extra time to evaluate unproductive relationships. Be consistent and ask probing questions.
(Nov. 23-Dec. 21)
Dreams, insights or sudden flashes of wisdom will be vivid and compelling over the next 14 days. Areas affected are the social habits of trusted friends, private romantic triangles or past family histories. Quietly observe: public discussions will not work in your favor. Thursday through Saturday, yesterday’s business or financial mistakes are not easily resolved. Avoid unnecessary spending, if possible: outdated bills or forgotten payments will soon become a top priority.
(Dec. 22-Jan. 20)
Early this week, a close relative may regret their recent comments or actions. Long-term romance versus the emotional expectations of a trusted friend may be an underlying theme. Family pressures are now high: allow friends or lovers extra time for private reflection and respond honestly to all questions. After Friday, business officials, teachers or mentors may provide misinformation. Remain attentive to revised dates and carefully study all written instructions.
(Jan. 21-Feb. 19)
After Tuesday, financial restrictions will no longer delay important projects. Some Aquarians will soon encounter a series of unique payments or money bonuses. If so, expect time restrictions or procedural rules to be firmly enforced. Later this week, loved ones may ask for detailed social advice. Be supportive. Over the next two weeks, a friend, lover or close relative may attempt to abandon their emotional obligations. Remain patient: attitudes and social needs will soon evolve.
(Feb. 20-March 20)
Business relationships may this week be unusually flirtatious or overly familiar. Set consistent boundaries and expect others to respect your wishes. Although flattering, this is not the right time to confuse workplace roles with social or romantic enjoyment. Wednesday through Friday, a friend or relative may announce new lifestyle plans. Home renovations, extended travel or large purchases are accented. Wait for added information: new goals may be difficult to establish.