Christina Paster, fast-paced field hockey player with the soft, shy voice flutters from games to class and back to the dorm where she finally has time to grant a short but satisfying interview.
Paster is a native of Boyertown, Pa. and attended the local high school. She started varsity on the Boyertown High School field hockey team as soon as her freshman year.
The field hockey season is over, and unfortunately the team lost the semi-finals. Paster, however, remains up-beat about the past games.
“We wanted to win the PAC,” Paster said.
Despite the disappointment of not reaching the goal, the team has had a rewarding season placing 12 wins and 10 losses overall, and eight wins and three losses in the PAC.
Aside from its crushing blow to their win/loss average, the team is looking good. “I definitely feel a sense of camaraderie while playing with my teammates,” Paster says. “This season was much better than previous years.”
Paster also notes on her coach, Jackie Neary. “She’s what drives us.” And she gushes about playing field hockey for Cabrini, giggling as she overflows with bouncy enthusiasm. “I love it!” she said.
Posted on the web by: Rob Cain