John Dzik is synonomous with what Cabrini college stands for. At least he was until the college made the decision to let him go.
Cabrini college without John Dzik will be like Abbott without Costello, Laurel without Hardy, a body without an arm.
My son is an alumnus of Cabrini College and he played basketball for John Dzik. Under normal circumstances, Cabrini wouldn’t have even been his second choice, but after Coach Dzik came to our home and we saw what a caring, devoted individual he was, there was no other school that my son would consider going to.
Dzik has had such a tremendous impact on the young women and men who have passed through Cabrini’s doors and there will be a huge void on that campus the the school will never be able to fill no matter who they bring into that position. No one will ever fill his shoes.
For a college that supposedly holds itself in such high esteem, the administration has made a serious error in judgement here.
Linda M.Tait