Guide to undiscovered courses

By Karli Morello
February 1, 2007

Before you know it, the most stressful part of the semester will be lurking around the corner; registration. First you have to get that appointment with your adviser to figure out what classes you have left to take, and then you finally figure out a schedule where you have no 8:15 classes and definitely no Friday classes. Then the day comes when it is your turn to register for your carefully chosen classes and what happens? Half of them are closed.

Every college student knows the troubles that come with registration and trying to get some good electives in along the way. Most students don’t dig deep enough into the many choices that Cabrini has to offer when it comes to electives. Instead of taking that extra history or sociology class, try something that will work your brain in a different way and maybe even spark a new interest in you.

There are five very interesting classes offered here at Cabrini among many others that are a little bit out of the ordinary from traditional electives.

The first of the five is BUS 382- Development of non-profit organizations. This class teaches students about non-profit managerial issues and how to run and organize a non-profit company. It is obviously a stressful job what with little to no budget most of the time, so this could be a great class to get into if it’s in the back of your mind that maybe you would like to start a non-profit organization after college.

The class also teaches about fundraising, grantmanship, financial planning and public versus private funding sources. All of these aspects are helpful in starting a non-profit or even a profitable company. According to professor John Heiberger, the class has not been taught in several years but is still an option.

Another interesting yet hidden class is COM 381-Writing for the theater. This class can be geared toward many majors and levels of interest. People who love to write and people who love the theater would all seem to enjoy this class. In the class, students will write scenes to plays and even create their own short or full length play which can become eligible for performance in Cabrini’s theater.

The next class mentioned steers far away from the writing for the theater class. Environmental Science 307-Air and Water Quality. This class examines toxic and particulate emissions in the atmosphere and how they are harmful to the environment and to humans. The threat of indoor air pollution to human health risks is also discussed. People in this class could learn a lot about what is harmful to the air we breathe and the water we drink and try to make a difference. This class can teach students about their own world and these sorts of classes are usually the most remembered after college.

Joslyn Hayes, a senior business administration major, said “I haven’t taken any of these classes but they do sound interesting.” Hayes said that since she is a senior she is trying to finish everything she needs in order to graduate, but she would probably be interested in taking one of them if she had a spot to fill.

Exercise science can always be a healthy choice for a class because it is a fact that you will be learning about exercise, the human body and what good things it does for it. This particular one is called Aging, physical activity and health. It explores physical activity with reference to aging and factors that can modify and improve functional capacity and upgrade a person’s quality of life. A student can’t go wrong with this class, being that it can only help you become healthier and more aware of what will build a strong body as you gets older.

The last class found was FNA 209-Art of Philadelphia. This class is a lot different from other art classes because it only studies the art and architecture of Philadelphia ranging from William Penn to the early 20th century. The class focuses on painting, furniture and architecture in Philadelphia.

Dr. Adeline Bethany, professor of fine arts, said “I think one of the interesting aspects of this course is the fact that they spend one Saturday walking around Philadelphia viewing buildings that are reflective of different types of art/architecture. You would be surprised to know how many Philadelphia buildings are examples of Greek Revival art.”

Leah Hannan, a sophomore social work major, said “I would be interested in taking FNA 209 because I would love to learn more about the art of Philly.”

All of these classes are agreeably different from a lot of the traditional classes chosen not only at Cabrini, but most colleges around the nation. Hopefully students will broaden their horizons and step out of their major and required classes to take a different and interesting class that Cabrini has to offer.

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Karli Morello

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