Dr. Anthony Tomasco, the chairman of the psychology department, also known as “Dr. T,” will now be sharing his nickname with another professor in the department, Dr. Melissa Terlecki.
Terlecki started teaching introduction to psychology at Cabrini in the summer.
Terlecki came to Cabrini College from Villanova. “I was offered a better job. Cabrini College offered me a tenure – track position. At Villanova I was only a visiting professor,” Terlecki said.
“The students were sad when I was leaving and wanted me to stay. I was rated as one of the top 25 professors at Villanova by ‘The Voice,’ a student website affiliated to Villanova,” Terlecki said.
Terlecki added that leaving Villanova was not easy. “I was sad to go. I had an attachment to students and faculty there. But everyone here at Cabrini has made me welcome and comfortable,” Terlecki said.
According to Terlecki, what she loves most about Cabrini College are the small classes and the students. “They are wonderful and easy to talk to. The faculty and staff have also been supportive,” Terlecki said.
Terlecki received the nickname “Dr. T” from Villanova. “Some people could not say my last name,” she said.
She graduated from Temple University.
Terlecki is still finding her feet here at Cabrini. What she finds most challenging is the administrative work. “I have so much responsibility, advising and faculty committees,” Terlecki said.
Terlecki recommends psychology to any student, because she says that from psychology, individuals will learn people skills, as well as a better understanding of how people think.
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Posted to the web by Matt Schill