How far will you go to pay your loans?

By Rachel Antuzzi
April 2, 2014

Student debt has alumni stressing more about how they are going to pay it off rather than worrying about finding a job in their field of study. College students and graduates are entering the real world with hopes of landing a dream career. However, when they look at their mountain of loans they need to pay off, loans become the main focus.

Some people see working minimum wage, part-time jobs as their only way to chip away at their debt when looking for something better. One woman graduated from college with $60,000 in debt and moved all the way to Buenos Aires to teach English when she couldn’t find her ideal job in the U.S. One girl couch hopped, living on her friends’ couches for over a year so she could save her rent money rather than spend $1,000 a month for her apartment; at the end of a year, her loans were paid off, she repaid her friends with odd jobs and still had enough saved to pay rent for a better apartment than she had the year prior.

One current Duke undergraduate takes the cake for the most obscure way of paying off student loans. After just her freshman year, Miriam Weeks would accrue $60,000 in debt to the university. However, debt is the least of her worries. She has found a foolproof way to pay her way through college without graduating with any debt. Pornography. Weeks entered the adult film industry and adopted the stage name of “Belle Knox.” One semester later, she has more than enough money to pay for her first year at Duke.

Although this freshman won’t have to worry about debt anytime soon, she has plenty other issues on her mind. After being outed on campus for her “extra cirricular activities,” Weeks doesn’t feel safe on campus. Pushy male classmates, judgmental female classmates and death threats on not only her own life, but her family’s lives as well.

Personally, porn would not be my first choice of part time jobs. I could bet you twice my debt I wouldn’t consider that as a last resort either. I can’t understand how someone would willingly join the industry to pay the bills. As a third-year college student, I know how overwhelming loans can be. If I knew I would be $60,000 in debt after one year, I would choose a different school. Especially with the job market as tight as it is, I want to come out of college with minimal debt so I can focus on my career.

Trying not to judge Weeks for her decision, I don’t know how she could have ever decided this was the best move for her. After seeing her reactions, as she is in the public eye a lot lately, she definitely didn’t think through the possible outcome of the student population finding out about her.

Weeks is shocked that she doesn’t receive more respect from people once everyone found out. How can you be shocked? You are an 18 year old, making money with your clothes off. She had such a bright future ahead of her, she attends Duke and could have done anything with her life. Now, she’s going to be labeled as a porn star for the rest of her life. I can’t see her doing anything with her life other than XXX movies and I feel bad for her.

Loans are difficult and stressful but I don’t think this should ever EVER be something someone resorts to. You get labeled for life and no one turns out as successful as Kim Kardashian.

Miriam Weeks, I am truly trying not to judge you as a person, just your poor decisions, but you make it really hard. I just hope things turn out for the best for you in the end.

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Rachel Antuzzi

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