What issues are important to Cabrini faculty in the presidential election?

By Kaitlyn Kohler
October 30, 2012

With election day right around the corner, many are wondering what key issues are affecting people’s votes. We all ask our peers what their views are and what issues are most important to them, but what about faculty members?

Because politics is a touchy subject for some, a few professors did not want to give their opinions known or voice what issue mattered most to them. Some professors told me that they did not want to be involved.

Each of the professors interviewed here is from a different department at Cabrini College, and each has a different point of view.

 “For me this election is about which candidate, in my opinion, is going to stand up for/ be concerned with the broadest swath of the American population as a whole. As I look at our country I am seeing us becoming more and more divided between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots.’ In my non-political science opinion I do not believe this divide represents the American ideals – a country built by immigrants, where acceptance and freedom  from prejudice is suppose to be the cornerstone,” Dr. Anne Coleman, associate professor, life & physical science, said.

“As I prepare to cast my vote in this election, I’m highly conscious of the fact that our next president will have the power to appoint new justices to the Supreme Court. Decisions made by these justices have a significant and lasting impact on us as a society. So, I plan to vote for the candidate whom I believe will appoint justices that align with my values and convictions,” Dr. Dawn Francis, assistant professor, communication, said.

“I always vote for socially liberal candidates, particularly when it comes to women’s issues,” Dr. Amy Persichetti, instructor, English, said.

“I am concerned about the level of polarization in our government, whether it’s Grover Norquist’s ‘no tax’ pledge (for Republicans), or pledges not to change entitlements in any way (for Democrats), this uncompromising approach has effectively broken our government. We have serious issues like environmental issues, the debt, and our international competitiveness. Right now the voice of the people is being overshadowed by ideologues and special interests. But I’m not completely pessimistic. I view both the Tea Party and the Occupy movements as ‘new democratic’ movements that reject the ‘business as usual’ power structures (on both sides).  Given the growing influence of money in the political process, it will be a challenge but I feel like there’s a real chance that our country will return to the ideals of a representative democracy,” Dr. Eric Malm, assistant professor of economics and business administration, said.

“As a parent, I am very worried about the cost of education and the sacrifices families have to make to help their children. The government could play a greater role monitoring lending institutions to make sure that going to college becomes an affordable proposition for everyone,” Dr. Raquel Atena Green, assistant professor and interim chair, romance languages and literature, said.

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