As a former member of Public Safety I can tell you this: There is a key concept that has eluded the Public Safety department when I worked there and it would seem apparent that it continues today, will continue tomorrow and in the future until it is addressed.
Let us start with the core meaning of the word. Public Safety, as I see it, is the duty to provide for the safety of students and professional staff as well.
How is it done? By patrolling both in vehicles as well as on foot. There are benefits in doing things this way. By utilizing vehicles in an unfixed manner you can mix things up by not being so predictable. Patrolling by vehicle should be done at different intervals of time, from different directions and by rotating officers every- so-often as different officers have different routines. Utilizing officers on foot again by rotating them in and out of the dorm, provides the department and the campus in general with different approaches, tactics and habits.
Public Safety should not be predictable if the goal is to be effective.
Open your eyes people! You get nothing for free and nothing more than you pay for. Unfortunately for all of you, you’re not even getting that.
No one, and I mean no one, has more power than the student. It is up to you to change how things are. You are the financial epicenter and the backbone of the whole deal.
Stop whining and do something about it.
Nobody in any level of the institution will effect any changes unless they are forced to do so. Let me be clear about something. This does not apply only to Public Safety issues, but to your own.
If you see something innapropriate occurring why do you wait until the next issue to complain about it?
The majority of all problems at the school are results from drunken morons. If they pull an alarm, discharge an extinguisher, punch holes in the walls, offer to walk them home personally. Now you know where they are.
Report them to Public Safety or to Radnor Police.
Keep in mind nothing can ever be done if you can’t determine who it was that did it.
Posted to the web by Cecelia Francisco