I’m just the average college student. In the mornings, after slamming my dirty fists against the snooze button, I know I should get something accomplished. Once I’m through throwing my fit, I really don’t have a care in the world – just another day. But there’s always work to be done, I guess. The weekend really couldn’t come any slower, but I’m waiting nonetheless. It’s hardly the end of the world though. After all, I’m young. I have my whole life ahead of me to do the things I should be doing. Hold on, there’s the phone.
“Yo dude!” That’s my friend. He even calls his girlfriend “dude.”
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Nothing, dude. The weirdest thing just happened.”
“What’s that?”
“My mom just called to tell me that she loves me.”
“Yeah, well.I’m sure she does. What’s so strange?”
“Hold on, dude, I have another call.”
I wonder what that was about. Oh well, he’ll be back in a few – no big deal. It’s going to be a long day. I have a 9:35, 10:55, maybe I’ll grab lunch and then go to the.
“Hey.dude.” He’s back.
“What’s wrong? You don’t sound right.”
“It was my dad, from the hospital.”
“What happened?”
“I’m not sure. But my mom.she’s dead.”
It happens that fast. As the editorial board discussed the best way to engage readers to appreciate the value of life, we understood that the typical bits of wisdom (“don’t take anything for granted,” “tell who you love that you love them,” and so on) are forgotten as quickly as they are offered. Whatever way we decided to address it, the fact is that the wisdom we let slide is the fundamental truth that makes life worth living.
Today, appreciate one another and love. While tomorrow is never promised, neither is the last “I love you.”