As students drive through Residential Boulevard they have one thing on their mind: I really hope I find a parking spot. One cause of the limited parking are the two dumpsters that are taking up parking spots on Residential Boulevard. The dumpsters are placed there because of the overload of trash that is thrown out. Students were aware that there would be limited parking because of the construction on campus but didn’t expect there to be anything else taking up parking spots.
The two dumpsters, each taking up one parking space, are located outside of House Five. The only area that is available for them is the parking spaces. Facilities say that dumpsters need to be in an area that is accessible for the trash trucks.
Many students feel that in some way a spot should be made for the dumpsters so they are not creating more parking problems. Junior Lisa Hetke, an exercise science major, said, “It just doesn’t make sense to take away more parking spots. I’m sure they could find other locations for the dumpsters to give us a couple more spaces to park our cars.”
However, the dumpsters will not be taking up parking spaces that much longer. Howard Holden, director of facilities, made it clear that the spots the dumpsters are currently in are not permanent.”The landscape of West Residence Hall includes an area where two dumpsters can be placed. They will, however, remain for the rest of this school year,”Holden said.
While Holden does not want to inconvenience the students in any way, he feels that there is no way around putting the dumpsters in parking spots. Holden said, “Perhaps it could be an inconvenience, but students not having any where to dispose of their trash would also be an inconvenience.”
Many students see the dumpsters as nothing but an inconvenience. Junior Jennifer Euganeo, an exercise science major, said, “The dumpsters take up parking spaces, and there is already not enough spots for everyone.”
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Posted to the web by Tim Hague