Drunk and disorderly

By Geri Lynn Utter
May 2, 2002

Hey! I have an idea! Let’s all get disgustingly drunk and destroy our house. For the rest of the campus community that has no clue what I am talking about, let me take the liberty to fill you in on what happens on Cabrini’s campus, after hours.

I am not going to mention the location or the inconsiderate people involved in destroying a particular house on campus, but I will talk about the horrendous damage that was done to the house and the innocent residents paying the consequences for a handful ‘so called-college adults’ that can’t handle their alcohol.

Granted college is a time, not only for academics, but to have fun with your friends and live life to the fullest. However, I don’t recall destroying property as falling under the guidelines to ‘having fun,’ let alone destroying your own home. I can’t speak for everyone, but I know I wasn’t raised to ‘shit where I live,’ and I am almost positive most of us were brought up under that criteria.

Anyway, I walked into the house on Sunday morning surprisingly greeted by a Public Safety officer flashing pictures of what had looked like a war-zone. It literally looked like cannon balls were thrown through the walls, and one hole was life-sized. It looked as if an actual person ran through the wall.

Let me paint this picture for you a little more clearly. I walked into the front of the house, which normally had a wall that divided the front-door entrance from the lounge area, on the left-hand side. However, when I was greeted by the Public Safety officer at the front door, I was standing in the front door area and he was speaking to me from the lounge area through the huge whole that was drilled in the wall.

Wait! The fun and entertainment doesn’t stop there. It has also been brought to my attention that the ‘so called college adults’ that attend this school need to start wearing Depends (adult-diapers) because they can’t seem to make it to bathroom on time in order to relieve themselves. So rather than using the bathroom, which is no more than 10-feet away from the lounge, a particular student decided to let it all out right in the lounge. And, let’s not forget to mention the lovely student that vomited all over the basement of the house.

Go ahead! Laugh! Those of you involved along with the other students blessed with not having to live in this particular house probably think this is hysterical. But, stop for a minute. Imagine having to be an innocent bystander living in that house. It is not funny anymore, is it?

I don’t know how else to sugarcoat this, other than to come flat out and say it. The house is an absolute shit hole thanks to the handful of ‘so called college students’ that claim to be able to handle their alcohol. I empathize with the innocent residents living in that sorry excuse for a house, even though all visitation and alcohol privileges have been stricken from the house.

I actually have faith that the administration will be fair to those residents not involved in destroying the house. I can’t believe I am saying this, but in this case, I actually feel sorry for particular campus officials that have been put in this unpleasant predicament.

As for the so called college students and college graduates, I hope you grow up and learn to respect others, if you expect to be respected. I hope you get everything you deserve.

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Geri Lynn Utter

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