1.) What is the name of the dwelling of Sauron?
a.) Orthanc
b.) Barad-dur
c.) Isengard
d.) Rivendell
2.) What character has been left out of the movies?
a.) Rosie Cotton
b.) Theodred
c.) Tom Bombadil
d.) Treebeard
3.) What way do Aragon, Legolas and Gimli take to Gondor?
a.) Paths of the Dead
b.) The Misty Mountains
c.) Fangorn Forest
d.) Edoras
4.) What was Gollum’s original name?
a.) Deagol
b.) Theagol
c.) Meagol
d.) Smeagol
5.) Who is the head of the Uruk-hai?
a.) Isen
b.) Lurtz
c.) Balrog
d.) Durin
6.) Who are the Rohirrim?
a.) Sword makers
b.) Farmers
c.) Record keepers
d.) Horse-lords
7.) Who is Saruman’s spy in Rohan?
a.) Eomer
b.) Grima Wormtongue
c.) Theodred
d.) Elfhild
8.) Who is the shield maiden of Rohan, who slays the witch king?
a.) Eowyn
b.) Theoden
c.) Eomer
d.) Gamling
9.) Who is heir to the throne of Gondor?
a.) Elessar
b.) Faramir
c.) Boromir
d.) Denethor
10.) Where is Legolas from?
a.) The Shire
b.) Rivendell
c.) Lothlorien
d.) Mirkwood
Posted to the web by Marisa Gallelli