“In the event of a suspected violation of the College’s Academic Honesty Policy, the individual instructor will follow the procedures listed below:
1. The instructor will notify the student verbally of a suspected act of academic dishonesty, specifically the act and reasons for the charge. The instructor will also tell the student what penalty is intended for the student’s action (see options below). That faculty member should assure student confidentiality in all matters pertaining to the charge and intended action.
2. The instructor will then complete the “Academic Honesty Violation Charge Form” and submit a copy to the academic affairs office and to the student involved. Faculty members may obtain copies of the “Academic Honesty Violation Charge Form” from the office of academic affairs.
3. The student has the option to present his/her position to the instructor and ultimately to an Academic Honesty Board if the student disagrees with the charge. He/she may also discuss the charge with a student ombudsperson appointed by the Students Academic Council. In any event, students will sign the “Academic Honesty Violation Charge Form” after reviewing its options to signify that they accept the prescribed penalty for the alleged offense or elect to challenge the charge.
Penalties include: 1. Assigned or test failed.
2. Course failed
3. Course failed with recommendation for suspension or
taken from page 141 of the Student Handbook