Kristen Catalanotto

Articles by Kristen Catalanotto

‘Political passion’

With the presidential election quickly approaching, students are taking notice concerning the importance of this election and are organizing clubs in order to help their peers stand up and vote. Two new organizations, the College Republican Club and the Student Democrat Association are taking aim at students on campus.

Freshman runner practices with pride

While the majority of Cabrini students are still sleeping during the early morning hours the men's cross country team is strutting their stuff in their sneakers. Freshmen Chris Sweeney is a new edition to the team this year and is finding his way during his early morning runs.

Organization to reward individual proving Bush’s service in National Guard

A $50,000 reward was offered by the group Texans for Truth. The group is offering the reward to anyone who can show proof that President George W. Bush served his required time in the Alabama National Guard in 1972. President Bush's aides shrugged off the allegations as partisan attacks.

9/11 hits home

Etched into American's minds like a scene from a horrifying movie, the third anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon took place this past weekend. For one Cabrini student the anniversary hit close to home. Senior Craig Vagell traveled home to Cedar Knolls, N.

Real life is not a game

What better a way to show how peaceful the world could be than the 2004 Olympic games. Before the games started many were concerned about terrorist attacks. These concerns may have affected the ticket sales, but it didn't affect the spirit of the athletes that were competing.

Pro-life abortion supporters rally in nation’s

On Sunday, April 25 a rally was held in Washington D.C. supporting abortion rights. D.C. officials haven't released the exact number of those who attended, but the organizers of the rally estimate that one million people attended. The majority of those who attended were female and young as well as a few celebrities in attendance.

Supreme Court to decide on validation of death row sentences

More than 100 death row inmates are waiting to see if the Supreme Court will decide whether or not their death sentences are null and void. These cases are being re-examined by the Supreme Court due to the fact that the convicted criminals were sentenced to death by a judge and not a jury.

NYU suicides create national awareness

New York University has recently been thrust unto the media spotlight due to the occurrence of four of their undergraduate students committing suicide. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among college students, accidents being the number one cause.

Commission pressures Rice to talk

After pressure from the commission investigating pre-9/11 threats from Al Qaeda, national security adviser Condoleezza Rice will testify in public and under oath. Since last week the White House has been trying to avoid Rice testifying. President Bush and Vice President Cheney will also testify, but in a private session, according to MSNBC.

Why pay full price?

Cruising down the isle of the local grocery store, I found myself astonished by the amount of choices I actually have. No, not by the stylish brand names, but by the plethora of generic food brands there are on the grocery store shelves. My personal favorite generic product is "Dr.

New Orleans native gives lyrical view of home 1 year after Hurricane Katrina

Jerry Zurek

Katrina’s aftermath: one year later

How are you supposed to move on when everyday you are reminded of the life you once had? When everyday life causes you to have flashbacks of a place you once and will forever call home? This is the question that thousands throughout the Gulf Coast face every day of their lives, one year after Hurricane Katrina hit and destroyed everything that they owned.

Hurricane Katrina devastates New Orleans

I was home just three weeks ago, enjoying the unique city that is New Orleans, the city that I call home. You always see disaster stricken areas on CNN and on the cover of USAToday, but I am finding it hard to believe that the streets of my city are now being shown on every channel and on the cover of every newspaper.

Time to say goodbye

The time has come for me to say goodbye to the Loquitur. Tuesday, March 29 is my official last day to layout out a newspaper that I have put time and effort into for the past two years. I can remember sitting in journalism class on the first day of my sophomore year, looking at all the editors and how professional and intimidating they looked.

McGowan death hits home

Like more than 1600 American families around the country, the McGowan family received notice that Stephen McGowan, 26, brother to senior Michaela McGowan, was killed Friday, March 4, while serving in Iraq. McGowan was serving in the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division of the U.

Clinton appointed to new UN position

Former President Bill Clinton wasnamed head of the tsunami recovery and relief movement for the United Nations. U.N . Secretary-General Kofi Annan chose Clinton for the position. In the past few weeks, Clinton and former president George H.W. bush have been making commercials and traveled all over the United in order to help raise money for the relief effort.

Response day raises money, creates tsunami

As pictures of the devastation from the tsunami poured in, aid money poured out. The images that were shown world-wide tugged at the heartstrings of everyone from celebrities to college students. Millions of dollars have been donated from everyone corner of the globe.

SET building vandalized

Vandalism amounting to $12,000 has been done to the new Science Education and Technology building. The damage was discovered on Nov. 3. The building, is still under construction and will not be fully ready to open for students until the fall 2005. President Iadarola informed the campus of the vandalism in an email sent to the campus: "I cannot believe this would happen to our campus.

Powell and Stern go head to head on radio

Radio jock Howard Stern called into KGO-AM radio in San Francisco while in a live interview with FCC Chairman Michael Powell. In the interview he accused Michael Powell of getting his job only because his father is Colin Powell, our current Secretary of State.

Neo-Nazi’s protest in Valley Forge Park

A national park where presidents have spoken was filled with the cries of demonstrators on Saturday, Sept. 25. The National Socialist Party, better known as the Nazi party, held a rally at Valley Forge National Park to voice their beliefs concerning immigration into the United States.


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