Kelsey Kastrava

Articles by Kelsey Kastrava

Editorial: Fraternity should receive on-campus housing

Through years of perseverance, a number of male students have succeeded in getting the college approval of the first official fraternity at Cabrini College.… Read More

Historic landmark set to be destroyed in Philly

Since the vote to demolish the historic Church of Assumption in Philadelphia, Pa., community members and neighborhood associations have filed an appeal to reconsider.

Recent suicides wake-up call for communities

Suicide was the decision Rutgers University freshman Tyler Clementi made when he leapt off of the George Washington Bridge last Wednesday, Sept. 22 after… Read More

Outdated policy unfairly punishes gays in military

If you could make a difference and honor the men and women, gay and straight alike, would you vote for gay, lesbian and bisexual people to openly serve in the armed forces?

College students must notice the extreme poor

As extreme poverty grips one sixth of our world’s population, extreme devastation including war, illness and political turmoil are haunting the lives of one… Read More

Students organize over Sudanese conflict

President of Catholic Relief Services at Cabrini College organized a separate working group of CRS that is immediately acting on what is happening in Sudan. His plans within the working group are reaching out to the Cabrini STAND (Students Taking Action Now in Darfur, a world-renowned student-run organization of college and high school students who are anti-genocide activists) chapter and the Black Student Union to join forces with the CRS Ambassadors.

Building mosque signals America’s religious acceptance to world

Although many have argued that the construction of the mosque is extremely insensitive to the family and friends of those killed during the 9/11 terrorist attacks because they claim it’s ambiguous to the area, it promotes potential future attacks and negates the honor of ground zero, the Loquitur Staff feels that as citizens of the U.S., we should remember we are a country of many freedoms, including religion.

Political change finds Cabrini students

“Never discuss religion or politics” has been a piece of advice many have heard throughout the decades. But at a private Catholic college like… Read More

Ministry hires new director

A new director of campus ministry has been appointed by Cardinal Justin Rigali to serve the community of Cabrini College. Janicki can be found… Read More

Faculty forges Africa ties, opens opportunities for ed. majors

Cabrini's president, three faculty and trustee traveled to Swaziland, Africa, to establish a partnership with Cabrini Ministries, which serves children orphaned by AIDS.

Young refugees ‘lost’ and found in local woman’s home

Editor’s note: This story won an award from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association and 2nd place 2011 Chandler Award for Student Religion Reporter of… Read More

As gas prices skyrocket, public should be aware of the causes

Media coverage has invited the world into protests in many Middle East countries including Bahrain, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Egypt who are fighting against their strict regime for freedom. These countries, though rich in oil, are extremely instable. Among all of the unrest during this revolution, oil production decreases, causing oil prices to increase, leading to our gas prices hitting record-breaking numbers. With all of this international turmoil you may be wondering, what is our country doing about all of this?

Resident assistants deserve more than respect for commitment

Resident assistants, or RA’s, are selected each year through an interview process that begins with an application that is available for all students to apply for. If chosen by Residence Life as a candidate to be a leader on campus who will properly serve the students of their community, the newly selected RA can rightfully erase the entire billing on room and board off of their college tab.

Green team needs your support

Would you be willing to take part in a campus-wide movement to make the school more sustainable?

Compassion for family of student

As the college learns of emerging details in the Vineland, N.J. crime surrounding Cabrini student, David Stone, Loquitur asks the community to be respectful to the family during this trying time.

Faculty, staff dedicated during inclement weather on campus

Although Loquitur knows not many students complain about time off from classes due to inclement weather, we would like to thank the many workers of the Cabrini community who have displayed their dedication to our Cabrini experience by working during this weather.

Senioritis strikes campus community once again

An annual epidemic taking over college campuses everywhere begins right around this time each year. The disease plaguing undergrads across the country is contagious and could be harmful if it isn’t taken care of. This illness is called senioritis.

Cancer never sleeps, neither should you

The American Cancer Society Relay for Life is an event that communities across the globe participate in during a 24-hour marathon of activities to of raising money for the foundation.

Emerging partnership with Swaziland calls on students

Numerous Cabrini students study abroad, mostly to the capitals of Europe, and some to Guatemala and Ecuador. This week however, two visitors have reversed… Read More

Swaziland visitors share story

Few children in Swaziland can stay in school past grade seven. Many children even have to raise themselves because HIV/AIDS has taken both parents.


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Class of 2024

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