Jullian Millam

Articles by Jullian Millam

Tennis coach brings positive attitude

Cabrini played an exciting, too-close-for-comfort tennis match against Gwynedd-Mercy College on Saturday, Sept. 11, only to come up short 5-4. The women's team had a beautiful day at the Cabrini courts to strategically challenge Gwynedd, but that did not, however, stop them from maintaining their buoyant attitude and having fun while they were at it.

Tennis coach brings positive attitude

Cabrini played an exciting, too-close-for-comfort tennis match against Gwynedd-Mercy College on Saturday, Sept. 11, only to come up short 5-4. The women's team had a beautiful day at the Cabrini courts to strategically challenge Gwynedd, but that did not, however, stop them from maintaining their buoyant attitude and having fun while they were at it.


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Title IX Redefined Website

Produced by Cabrini Communication
Class of 2024

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Season 2, Episode 3: Celebrating Cabrini and Digging into its Past


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