Jana Fagotti

Articles by Jana Fagotti

Tension rises over CAC desk

Concerned residents of the Cabrini Apartment Complex voiced their opinions without hesitation on Tuesday, Nov. 19, when the Residence Hall Association hosted an open forum concerning the front desk in the CAC. The Dixon House lounge was anything but a place to relax on Tuesday, as CAC residents gathered for the open forum.

Lights, camera, action with the stage crew

While most thespians prefer to be in the spotlight there is a whole other world, right around back. SETTING: 7:05 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 12. One light hits the stage only two days before opening night of "Boy gets Girl." Dress rehearsal is being held during what most call "hell week," the week before the show when practices are held every night and run into all hours of the evening.

CAP Board makes plans for spring

The Campus Activities and Programming Board intends to give students every reason to unpack those suitcases on weekends as well as enjoy quality entertainment during the week. How many times in will you get to see three comedians, two singers, a hypnotist, two mind readers and a great band for free? The answer: Once, in spring 2003.

Student actor gets ready to ‘get girl’

When asked to name proudest moments, some people remember their football victories, or their first car, their college acceptance, but for sophomore John Holloway it is performing on stage. Leading this year's fall production of "Boy Gets Girl," Holloway considers this experience just the beginning of pursuing his dream.

Search: ‘First step in long journey’

The Search Retreat is only the "first step to a whole journey," senior Search leader for the upcoming retreat. "It's not a secret. Ask and we'll tell you what we do," Laura Cover, junior Search leader, said. This three-day retreat serves as a chance to get to know yourself and others.

Professors ignore honesty policy

Professors are choosing to handle violations of academic honesty cases under their own digression, despite the student handbook's requirement to fill out the appropriate paperwork. This leaves two students who are guilty of the same dishonest action to receive two different penalties, and has been the cause of much discussion among administration, faculty and students.

‘Enron Debacle’ sparks debate on campus

Faculty and students gathered in Grace Hall on Tuesday, Sept. 24, to witness "the Enron Debacle," a faculty forum between professors Mary Harris, Harvey Lape and Ann Servey. While most students are focusing on their own studies rather than what is going on in the economy, this month's faculty forum gave both faculty and students a chance to become informed on Enron, the energy company which recently filed for the largest bankruptcy in U.

Verbal plans for future reconstruction on campus

While enrollment continues to skyrocket, many speculations have been made concerning possible additions to the Cabrini Apartment Complex. Howard Holden, director of facilities, says no plans or drawings have been made for additional housing anywhere on campus at this time.

Students make easy targets for ID theft

Identity fraud is the cause of much concern for college students as they embark on the journey to their future. While trying to maintain normalcy throughout their college years, security is not something that students should have to be concerned about. Credit card fraud is just the beginning of this widespread trend.

Campus remembers 9/11 with memorial events

Walking across campus on Sept. 11, one could not help but feel the bittersweet emotions that were streaming across the faces of everyone that walked its grounds. The campus held events and ceremonies to honor the occasion both Wednesday and Thursday. Bells chimed from Founders Hall at 8:48 a.

Fair trade day a success

With over 300 participants, Fair Trade Day, held Thursday, April 22, was a complete success according to its faculty organizers. Fifty-nine percent of those who filled out a survey got all of the answers correct. "We feel that it was a success in introducing the topic of fair trade to a large number of students, but was more of a starting point in the education process," Dr.

How far will America go

If you are look to see the latest display of what I like to call a freak show tune into MTV's "I Want a Famous Face" which airs Mondays at 10:30 p.m. or the FOX network's "The Swan" which airs Mondays at 9 p.m. You are sure to find the latest displays of what America sees as entertainment.

Part Two: How does Cabrini push the limits?

As outspoken as the students involved in video practicum may be, they also say they want more exposure if they are going to be censored. Junior Mary Adam, an English and communication major, admits that in her film, "Jealous Kills," there was some risqu

Health Watch

Before you travel off to party away your spring break, take a look at some facts about college students. * 29 percent of college students are current cigarette smokers. * 35 percent reported episodic heavy drinking during the 30 days preceding the survey. * 27 percent drank alcohol and drove during the prior 30 days.

Resident property destroyed

Crashing onto campus over the past two weeks has been an unusually high number of property damages including five shattered car windows on Residential Boulevard, a rock thrown through the window of House 6 and body-sized holes through walls in House 4. Car damages on Residential Boulevard On Friday, Feb.

Barenaked Ladies brings fans a high-performance

Having been lucky enough to attend a concert that was innovative, inventive, invigorating and inviting, I had nothing but praise for the Barenaked Ladies Concert, held at the Wachovia Center in Philadelphia on Wednesday, Feb. 18. If you like high-energy performances, this was hands-down a hit.

Health Watch

Despite all of the sneezing, sniffling and coughing, the flu has been on the downturn this season, according to a CNN report, and so has the supply of the flu vaccine. The nation has experienced a shortage due to an unusually large demand for vaccines, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Theater department presents

Cabrini's fall theatre presentation is a perfect fix for the hungry person with an appetite for the salty and the sweet; "An Evening of One Act Plays," performed Nov. 15, 16, 20, 21 & 22 at 8 p.m., in the theater. Beyond curtains and stages; beyond makeup and costumes lies a hunger and a passion for the art of acting, as implicitly illustrated by a group of Cabrini's own actors.

Students question cleanliness of eateries

"Cleanliness? HA! The tables are a mess. It's pathetic," Jeff Foley, a sophomore business administration major, said. "I don't think that it is very clean, there is always food everywhere," junior elementary/special education major Maggie Cassidy said. "I notice that a lot of times I'll have chicken for lunch and then I go to dinner and it's chicken with barbecue sauce on it they reuse the food which really makes me not wanna eat it," junior English/communications major Mary Adam said.

Do not overlook AIDS

"I think that our generation is educated about AIDS, but we take things for granted and things go in one ear and out the other because everyone thinks it can't happen to them," sophomore Mike Egan, a business administration major, said. But, how much information about the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, AIDS, is out there? How much time does the average college student take to think about the possibility of being infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV, which may lead to developing AIDS? Sophomore Maureen Cooper, an elementary education and special education major, said, "The most I was educated on the subject was during my junior year of high school.


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