What do you call a three-foot high and four and a half foot long unleashed Labrador? Art.
Now what do you call a whole litter of Labradors just like Art unleashed? Well, uh “Art Unleashed!”
Grab your doggie treats and bones because the Main Line went to the dogs or perhaps to doggie heaven for all those dog lovers out there.
A recent public art display of 50 uniquely painted fiberglass dogs has brought a “paws” in the traffic on the Main Line while the typical dog extraordinaire has stopped to sneak a peek at these larger than life dogs.
Concluding in September what The Main Line Art Center has believed to be the most comprehensive and exciting public art display exhibition to date, these dogs have claimed stakes outside of businesses, residential lawns and commercial real estates along the six-mile long stretch of the Main Line from Ardmore to Wayne since the unleashing began last April.
Beginning in 1999 in Chicago with the idea that crossed the seas from Switzerland was the CowParade, which consisted of some 300 cows grazing along the streets. Then Baltimore had fish and Los Angles had angels. Inspired by dozens of fish on a visit to New Orleans by executive director of MLAC, Judy Herman, “Art” was born some time after in Haverford, Pa.
“I saw the fish that were throughout the city, came home and said that somebody has to do this in Philadelphia,” Herman said according to the Philadelphia Inquirer.