A high price to pay for fashion

By Ashley Randazzo
October 21, 2005

Maura Gertz

High-priced fashion items like purses are currently what’s “hot” in fashion, but how can someone tell the difference between real and fake purses? Lavish items like purses are in demand of all females, but that is only depending on the budget, or willingness to spend extravagant amounts of money on such an item.

Whether the purse is a Gucci, Coach or Prada, the real thing is expensive no matter where it is bought. However, similar items not made by the manufacturer can be bought elsewhere look very similar. They may be perfect replicas but are less expensive. These types of bags have the name, the same look of the precise bag, but there is no guarantee that you are getting an authentic purse from the real manufacturer.

Freshman marketing major Stephanie Castrilli believes that real bags are nicer, but it really depends on what someone can afford without breaking the bank. Castrilli also says that with many bags, a person can tell when they are fake just by looking at them, depending on the brand of bag.

To some, purses are best only bought when they are the real merchandise. However those who buy the fake bags feel “why pay more if you can get it for less?” Often, those who have the real merchandise look down upon those who carry the fake bags. The market for both is widespread, but customers buy the real or the fake.

Although there are two major groups in position for buying purses, many people have both real and fake purses. Victoria Burke, a freshman secondary education major, has both types of bags.

“I really don’t care about fake versus real bags. In fact, I have both types because my friend works at Coach and gets me a great discount,” Burke said.

Fake bags can be purchased anywhere, especially in high traffic cities like New York and Philadelphia. As long as there is a demand for the imposter bags, they will still be circulated everywhere.

Websites like www.ebay.com are a great place to purchase discount items without paying for retail costs. However, when purchasing a designer garment or something that is in high demand, one should be careful to pay close attention to what they are buying. There are many scams taking innocent people just because they want a certain item cheaper than normal retail value.

While surfing the internet some more on designer handbags, one will come across Coach’s website complete with a full catalog to their new designs for fall. The bags are priced from $98 to $600, and although they are beautiful, many question the point in buying such an item.

There are many reasons why those who want such an expensive item go out and buy it. Perhaps the person wants to show off their high status or maybe they feel the need to buy the bag to fit in with the fashion pressures of today, in any case an item so unimportant as a purse does have a lot of bearing on what kind of individual you are materialistically.

Despite the cost of the real purses, they still fly right out of the stores as fast as they get in stock. High priced fashion is a trend that never gets old, but who is willing to sacrifice holes in their pockets to declare themselves “fashion forward?”

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Posted to the web by Matt Schill

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Ashley Randazzo

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